Information about you and your family.
1.You and members of your family names?
2. Your home addresses?
3. You and a family members home number and cell number?
4. Who all lives with you?
5. Are there any children under 12 years of age?
6. Have you ever had a pet before, what was the name of your pet, and what happen to it?
7. have you ever given up animal and why?
8. If you decide to give your fur baby (yorkie) up, would you contact me to pick it up?
Please email the answer if don't discussed over the phone
9. Three references one will include your vet.
Do you have a vet and what is the name of your vet's name, address, phone number?
Family member that does not live with you.
A. name
B. Addresses
C. Home phone number and cell phone
A close friend of the family
A. Name
B. address
C. Home phone number and Cell phone
13. I would love to know a little about your family and what you like to do and if the fur baby (yorkie) will be able to join your family on outings?
Please email me your answers.
I will look forward to reading about your family.
Psalms 104:24-25