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Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us the opportunity to adopt our CoCo born 08/26/2024 at 7:26 p.m. to Missy and Sir Licks A Lot. Miss CoCo came home with us on 11/14/2024 I am so thankful that we found you and your labor of loves you were able to talk with me on the phone and help ease the fear I was having. Thank you for taking that time and the love care and attention to detail of everything that was sent home with her. I will keep you posted of her progress and if and when I need a male baby you are my first call
She is very organized sweet and will answer any questions you have.
Thank you so much!
She is so professional and sweet. She kept me updated on my puppy as she grew. I will definitely be recommending her to my family members and friends to get a puppy. She have a very good spirit
We got our sweet Abi girl from Puppies in the Grove and have been very pleased. Shree was wonderful to walk us through the process every step of the way. She also shared photos of the first weeks of the puppy stages and milestones and we were sent home with a very detailed weight gain chart. It was if we had not missed a moment of Abi's growth. The entire Morgan family truly loves their puppies!